Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I am finally Ninja!

Hey everyone!  I am finally Ninja on Clubpenguin!!
I know it's exciting!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


What I'm gonna say is that......  UH.....
Here is the new Clubpenguin banner!Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

It's soooooo cool!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

My penugin name! (add if you see!)

My penguin's name is......... C 3PO886

So add if you see!!

Stand on exit!

When you are going out of a room (or something....) right before you go into another room, click the mail. Then wait like 10 seconds (depends on how close you are to the exit,) then click out of the mail..... AND BAM!! YOU ARE STANDING ON THE EXIT! Oh and there is something fun you can do with this! Say, join me! And then somebody will come (mabye...) and they will go into the room!



Yeah the new pin is at the Beach

fdgdfgfdgdfgdfgdfgdfg dfsdfsdfsdfsdsdfsfsdfssfsdfsdfsdfsdfsd yes it is

New pin cheat! November 2008

The new pin is at the Beach!

(it kinda looks like a snowflake!)

How to get ninja faster!

This is pretty easy, because all you have to do is go into compotition mode and win 5-10 to get one belt and again and again and again and just keep going till you get black belt!

Then face Sensei, even if you loose, he gets weaker!

Then win and you get the ninja mask!

Oh if you are member, you can get the ninja suit! :D

(and you can be invisable!!)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Clubpenguin cheats

Walk on walls...
1. Log on to clubpenguin.
2. You have to have Internet Explorer 7.
3. Go to the bottom right corner where the zoomy thingy is.
4. Hit costom, then put in 700.
5. Go to the right, then click the white by the night club. (Sorry.. i forgot to mention.. you have to do this in the Town!)
6. Go back to the zoomy thingy.
7. Click 100
8. Now show off your Ninja skills!